Outreach activities

My last Outside JEB article has just been published. It has been fun writing science communication pieces for The Journal of Experimental Biology for the last three years. The collection of my articles can be found below.


Nowack J(2019) Birds do not mind the light – if its dim enough. Outside JEB. J Exp Biol 222:

Nowack J(2019) Sit tight: nest temperature affects infection resistance of chicks. Outside JEB. J Exp Biol 222: jeb192872; doi: 10.1242/jeb.192872

Nowack J (2019) A spider’s decision depends on its thirst. Outside JEB. Outside JEB. J Exp Biol

Nowack J (2019) Pacifishs have nothing to fight for. Outside JEB. J Exp Biol 222: doi:10.1242/jeb.192575


Nowack J (2018) Risking the land of milk and honey. Outside JEB. J Exp Biol 221: jeb170209. doi:10.1242/jeb.170209

Nowack J (2018) Whisper in the dark. Outside JEB. J Exp Biol 221:  jeb170076. doi: 10.1242/jeb.170076

Nowack J (2018) What eyes can tell. Outside JEB. J Exp Biol 221:

Nowack J (2018) Beating the heat through the beak. Outside JEB. J Exp Biol 221: doi: 10.1242/jeb.169821


Nowack J (2017) Fighting the cold as pigs do. Outside JEB. J Exp Biol

Nowack J (2017) Juvenile marsupials need the sun to warm up. Outside JEB. J Exp Biol 220:2301 doi:10.1242/jeb.147454

Nowack, J (2017) Too much hibernation isn’t always good for you. J Exp Biol 220: 1167-1168; doi: 10.1242/jeb.147322

Nowack, J (2017) Basking behavior reveals vulnerability to climate change